Кафедра вчителів іноземної мови Старокостянтинівського НВК |
Використання ІКТ |
Знайомство учнів початкової школи з властивостями Smart Board |
Мікрофон |
Готуємо проекти на eTwiining |
Ось і випуск |
Робочий момент репетиції |
Перший мюзикл - і одразу успішний "Grease" |
I етап МАН |
Виступ на обласному семінарі вчителів іноземної мови |
Зірковий cast мюзиклу "The Dog in the Manger" |
2015 - мої випускники на останньому дзвонику |
I’ve been working as an English teacher
in Starokostiantyniv Educational Complex “Specialized Primary school ,
Gymnasium” named after the Hero of Ukraine S. Bondarchuk for 19 years. The main principle of my work is reflected in
my teaching motto “ To have the right to teach others, you must
live and learn”. So, I implement this piece of wisdom into my life and improve my professional skills methodically
I do all my best to gain and to keep proper
professional development. I prefer active forms and innovative methods of work.
When teaching the subject I use elements of IT media technologies.
Creativity is the main part in my teaching
process. The usage of modern technological devices helps me to create effective
and interactive lessons. I pay a special role to the development of individual
creative abilities of my students.
I have always been active in the methodical
work of the educational establishment where I am working and in the work of local Foreign Language Teachers Association. I shared my
pedagogical experience with my colleagues as well as teachers of other schools.
I have been in charge of our educational complex Foreign
Language Teachers department since 2012. Also, I’m responsible for the first
steps of my young colleagues. In addition, I head the City Association of
Foreign Language Teachers on the issue of preparation for Independent testing.
Social media is a great way to get in touch with new adherents, so creating my own blog proved to
be a great idea. It provides a
mutual link between me and my students
as well as colleagues.
I provide my students with a profound
knowledge of the English language and I am aimed at high effectiveness of their
studying. My students show good and
excellent results in Independent Testing, f.e. in 2015 student Julia Petruk got
the top score, so called 200 points. I’m also proud of numerous students whose
score was higher than 190.
My teaching process
is focused on work with gifted
and talented students. I actively involve them in Olympiad and contests.. My students are annual prize-winners of the regional
Olympiad in English, f.e. , last year my students Shevchenko D.( 9th
form ) and Petruk J.( 11th
form) got the second places. I
encourage my students’ participation in “Greenwich ”
and “Puzzle”. In 2013 my student got
the chance to study in the USA having won in the educational programme
I also supervise the research work of my
seniors and I considerate it to be very
useful and beneficial for their further education.
I professionally organize extra-curricular
activities to motivate my students. My students and I are active participants in
the international projects, f.e., eTwinning. In
November 2015 I took part In the workshop teachers training
participating in the project eTwinning, which took place in Kyiv.
I also initiate attracting my students to
such a form of extra-curricular activity as staging a musical in English, which is innovative form of
extra-curricular activity. Methodic manual called ‘Musical as a new form of
theatrical performances “ was awarded a diploma of the first level in the regional pedagogical innovations
exhibition in 2014.
I also participate in teaching
trainings “Teachers Online”, “ Digital Technology”,
“Intel.10.1” and “Open World”.
I often recall Eastern wise man’s words
addressed to all teachers that help me in my daily work “ Planting good
seeds in your students’ souls, do not wait till
they grow. Perhaps, you will not
see the sprouts during your life. But
they germinate and give good fruit. In
its own time!” What do you need for it?
It seems to me, to be a professional, to
know and love what you are doing. And then
the understanding of what is the most important to you will come. This
is my teaching philosophy.
Прізвище, ім’я, по
Людмила Михайлівна
Дата народження
Домашня адреса з
поштовим індексом
м. Старокостянтинів,
вул. Острозького 13/27
31100 |
Мобільний телефон
Електронна пошта
Які вищі навчальні
заклади закінчили, у якому році, спеціальність за дипломом
1997 рік Кам’янець-Подільський державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Огієнка
вчитель української мови і літератури та англійської мови, зарубіжної літератури |
Стаж роботи:
Місце роботи
(найменування навчального закладу відповідно до статуту), телефон з кодом,
електронна адреса
НВК «Спеціалізована школа І ступеня, гімназія» Старокостянтинівської міської ради Хмельницької області імені Героя України Сергія
Михайловича Бондарчука
вчитель англійської
вища категорія
старший вчитель, вчитель-методист
Класи, в яких викладаєте
Педагогічне кредо
Щоб мати право
вчити інших, потрібно вчитися самому.
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