субота, 12 березня 2022 р.


As we enter a new world where social isolation has become the norm, the disruption to our lives has been sudden and drastic. Education has seen a dramatic change too, moving from real world classrooms to a virtual setting. As schools rapidly scramble to adjust to the digital classroom, we explore how online learning can be made truly effective. Setting Clear Expectations Traditional face-to-face teaching largely involves instruction and note-taking. However, with the transition to digital devices, it must be acknowledged and accepted that the virtual classroom cannot have the same flow of a traditional one.https://shivnadarschool.edu.in/blog/how-make-online-teaching-learning-more-efficient

Teacher-Tested Ways To Keep A Class Interesting

Many teachers will find that a particular class might drag. For them, this could sometimes be a once-off thing and generally they get on well with a particular group of people. But everyone, now and then, will come across a group of students who appear bored by everything. There could be a number of reasons for this. When teaching in a large company, it could be that the people there are only doing it to get out of work. Having a language trainer in is a great excuse for many people to skive off for a bit. Children might be taking classes because their parents are making them: this is usually the case. Therefore, one needs to keep the students interested and engaged at all times. Allowing them to become bored will cause their minds to wander. Not paying attention will mean that they will absorb very little information. Here are several pieces of advice which a teacher can use in order to keep a class’s attention. Try These Ideas To Keep Your Class Interestinghttps://busyteacher.org/7372-teacher-tested-ways-keep-class-interesting.html

В Україні скасують усі вступні іспити у 2022 році, – МОН

До Верховної Ради України поданий законопроєкт, яким буде скасовано іспити для вступу на всі освітні рівні. Про це вранці 11 березня в коментарі телеканалу Україна 24 повідомив міністр освіти і науки Сергій Шкарлет. За його словами, відповідне рішення буде ухвалено враховуючи воєнний стан, оголошений в Україні, та психологічний стан школярів і студентів. Він також повідомив, що рішення ретельно опрацьовано спільно з парламентським Комітетом з питань освіти, науки та інновацій, фахівцями МОН та експертами.https://osvita.ua/news/85913/

субота, 5 березня 2022 р.

7 Lessons We Must Learn From UKRAINE

n this impassioned and powerful video, Regan Hillyer breaks down what is going on in Ukraine, how we got here, the personalities and mindsets of Russian president Putin and Ukrainian president Zelenskyy, and how we could (& should) have done more to avert and prevent this war of aggression by Russia on the innocent people of Ukraine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSrgT_IYoLQ

Let's get ready Listening

Here you can find activities to practise your listening skills. Listening will help you to improve your understanding of the language and your pronunciation..https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening